Monday, August 17, 2009

In the beginning

Well, not exactly. I won't start with my birth, though I am sure the details of my angelic childhood would excite and inspire you. No, instead, let's jump forward thirty-something years. Last year, my partner and I started thinking about moving to a new city. Having lived in Long Beach, California, for twelve years, I was ready for a big change. As a native of Southern California, I have never deigned to consider living anywhere else. At one point when mentioning my interest in living in the Pacific Northwest to a friend, he gasped. I asked what's wrong with the PNW, and he replied "It's not LA!" There's no arguing with that kind of logic.
My perpetual state of wanderlust began in March of 1999 when I took my first trip abroad and spent four weeks exploring the UK and France. I have embraced any opportunity to get the hell out of LA ever since. There's just so much to see.
Last year, we took it a step further and started discussing the prospect of not just traveling elsewhere but living elsewhere. This presented all kinds of frightening and unconsidered possibilities. New careers? We both work in theater-we pretty much have two choices. Weather? I have never experienced actual seasons. I don't know what might happen. My skin could fall off. I could have severe allergic reactions if I experienced an actual winter. I might get COLD!!
Fortunately, Tommy has lived many places all over the world, and he put my mind at ease about some things. There are cities that are not LA or NY that actually have theaters! And even other arts and cultural venues. And believe it or not, the restaurant business continues to thrive in many cities across this great nation, not just ours. That was important. We both love to eat...and eat...and drink. Because you have to drink when you eat; otherwise, there would be no alcohol to absorb all that food. Water. Sorry, Mom, I meant water.
Anyway, I digress. We took a road trip in March of 2009 up the gorgeous, stunning Pacific coast. Truly, people, do it while you can. What an amazing testament to nature and all its beauties! Along the way, we stopped in towns that sounded interesting to us. These included San Francisco, Sacramento, Ashland, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, BC, and a couple others that require no mention. While all had their distinct charms, Portland is the one we fell for, hook, line and sinker. I mean, where else can one experience hail, snow, wind and sunshine all in one hour?
Portland is also a foodie mecca with a plethora of fabulous restaurants, wine bars, breweries and markets. The Pearl District neighborhood especially impressed us for its walkability (see We can walk to a number of restaurants, shops, markets, museums, movie theaters, live theaters and events within minutes. Should we not want to foot it, we have a street car, buses and a light rail system all within walking distance as well. Furthermore, Portland has, believe it or not, a huge theater community. There are several small theaters, a few big ones and many, many artistic folk. Heck, I would venture to say that the vast majority of Portlanders are, shall we say, artistic. This can be evidenced by the increasing number of fully tattooed arms and young people with dread locks that sleep on the sidewalks for fun.
I am happy to report, however, that these types do not live in our neighborhood. No, the Pearl is an enclave of yuppies and highrise buildings that were originally intended to be luxury condos and instead have been converted to affordable apartments. Far be it from us to pass up a deal, so we jumped on one of those affordable leases, and here we are at the corner of NW 10th Avenue and Lovejoy (yes, as in Reverend). Oh, that reminds if there weren't enough reason to move here, the streets in our neighborhood inspired Matt Groening in naming his characters in The Simpsons. Flanders, Lovejoy, Quimby, they are all in our neighborhood. I consider that a sign from God that this is where we are supposed to be.
We moved here four weeks ago, and we have been incredibly blessed. A good and generous friend has given us a ton of gorgeous furniture. I have auditioned for three shows and been offered roles in all three. And we both have found employment. T starts his new job today, and I start mine next week. If we needed any validation of our decision, we have it.
While I miss being so close to friends and family, I am hoping that this blog will allow them a window into our lives, and perhaps they will be motivated to come check out Portland themselves, at least to pay us a visit.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you started this! Now we all can come here, at our own leaisure, and figure out what kind of trouble you two are causing of there! Great beginnig!
